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Data Pipes is an end-to-end data management platform that helps analytics and IT teams control, trust and democratize data by automating data practices. From a single unified interface, users can ingest, prepare, catalog, govern and analyze data, enabling organizations to make data-driven decisions and build data enabled products by allowing access to data directly from the catalog. 

Data Pipes helps to simplify and streamline data management for your teams, making it easy for users to access and share data across the organization, and focus on delivering value from data & promoting a data-driven culture.

Data Pipes Data Management Platform includes: 

  • Data Ingestion - With a no code interface, users can create data replication pipelines into the data lake  from a variety of data source connectors. PII data is automatically identified, and users can select how data containing PII is masked, tokenized or tagged.

  • Data Catalog - Like a search engine, the Data Catalog provides a shared repository of trusted data for users to search & discover data. Integrated with cloud hosted analytical tools of your choice, users can go directly from the catalog to analyzing data.

  • Data Governance - With a powerful suite of tools to control data access for users, from column to row level access control. Individual columns containing sensitive data can also be tagged to block broad categories of users from accessing the data.

Product Highlights

  • Self-serve data infrastructure. Empowering end users to directly access and utilize data without requiring the intervention of IT or data professionals:  operating under a clear governance framework.

  • Secure by Design.  Data Pipes focuses on delivering a secure data infrastructure, ensuring customers can safeguard sensitive data and protect it against unauthorized access. It is fully deployed in the customer’s cloud data lake, and the data will not leave the cloud to ensure the customer retains complete control over their data. 

  • Domain-driven design & federated data governance. Data Pipes structures datasets into domains, which are areas of the organization that produce, own and consume data. Each domain is responsible for governing its own data which provides a more flexible and scalable model that enables faster decision making and more agile data management. 

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