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Data Consumption

Data Pipes allows Data Users who have access to consume data in the Data Catalog in different ways.

  1. Data consumption via CSV export, QuickSight, SageMaker and other Data Consumption Tools

  2. Data Query via REST API

  3. Data Query via JDBC Connection

Data Consumption using Amazon QuickSight

  • Click on any table that a user has access to in the Catalog.

  • Once the user lands on the table info page, he/she would see an “Access Data” drop down list on the top right hand side of the page

  • Select QuickSight from the menu

  • A new tab would open up in the browser using a federated login with QuickSight open. Data users would then be able to analyze data and build visualizations using the dataset loaded in QuickSight.

Note: The same steps can be done with whichever data consumption method you choose.

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