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Enterprise Support

All Data Pipes Platform subscriptions include Enterprise Support that provides easy access to highly skilled technical resources with prompt response times to receive the assistance you need.

Data Pipes is committed to providing high-quality support and resolutions to its customers based on the response time guidelines indicated in our Response Time Table. Any bugs identified in Data Pipes will be logged by the Data Pipes Support team, who will coordinate with the development team to address the issue.

With Enterprise Support, you get technical support from high-quality engineers and a designated Customer Success Manager (CSM) to coordinate access to Data Pipes’ subject matter experts.

Access to Support Engineers via Email, Slack, Ticketing Portal and Phone Support. You can have an unlimited number of contacts that can open an unlimited amount of cases. Response times for general guidance is less than 24 hours, minor functionality impact is less than 24 hours, production system impaired is less than 4 hours, production system down is less than 2 hours.

The Enterprise Support offers local support resources with a toll-free local support contact for customers.

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