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Roles and Permissions

Data Pipes permissions are managed using RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) and can be enforced within 2 specific context: User Roles and Domain Roles.

User Roles and Domain Roles serve different purposes

User Roles define the actions a user can perform within the Data Pipes platform.

Domain Roles define the actions a user can perform within a specific Domain.

User Roles and Permissions

There are three primary User Roles within Data Pipes: Data Administrators, Domain Owners, Data Users.

Data Pipes does not allow creation of new User Roles.

Only Data Administrators can assign User Roles to other users.

Data Administrators

Data Administrators will manage the Data Pipes application. They connect the various data sources to the data lake and organize those datasets in Domains. Data Administrators have access to the necessary log files to ensure compliance with data security requirements.

Domain Owners

Domain Owners manages access control and data quality for a set of tables. Domain owners typically have some expertise in the IT systems providing the data, which allows them to provide the right context . A typical Domain Owner would be appointed by the head of an operational department (finance, HR, …) or be part of a Data Office.

Data Users

Data Users create data assets - dashboards, predictive models, etc. Data Pipes provide them with a tightly integrated analytics workbench where users can discover, validate and request access to the dataset to perform data cleaning and preparation, and open the dataset in an analytical tool of choice.

User Roles Permissions Overview

Below is a summary that describes the specific permissions that have been granted to each of the user roles within Data Pipes.


Data Users

Domain Owner

Data Administrators

View snapshots of tables, dashboards, lineage, tags and documentations

Start a new ingestion pipeline

Perform data preparation and transformation

Consume data using analytical. visualization and machine learning tools

Create and Invite new users



Create new User Roles



Assign User Roles to other users



Access Audit Logs



Domain Roles and Permissions

A Domain Role is a logical group assigned to multiple users so that the actions across Domains can be managed collectively.

Example: A Domain Owner can restrict sensitive data to a specific Domain Role.

Domain Owners can manage the actions a Domain Role can perform within their owned domain.

However, only a Data Administrator can create and assign Domain Roles to other users.

Domain Permissions Overview


Data Users

Domain Owner

Data Administrators

Create new Domains



Create new domain roles and assign domain ownership



Assign Domain Roles to Other Users



Design and manage metadata fields within the data catalog



Populate, modify and remove tags, metadata and description fields



Owned Domain Only


Hide or unhide tables within the data catalog



Owned Domain Only


Manage access and visibility to data tables, rows and columns



Owned Domain Only


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